Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why MR. PC is still Kavara

In case you know Mr. PC then you will defenetly know that he is "Kavara # 1" and you would surely know how desperate he is to loose this coveted title. And you all should be wondering how did Mr. Kavara # 1 miss the bus :). Well this is from the conversation that we had this morning on some chat program.

me: hey PC
how cme ur online :D
seeing orkut :D
lookin for chix

Prakash: hey
just came online to check "mails"

me: tats the reason ur not getting a female. Cause ur check-ing males : HA HA HA
me: now i know your secret and I will share it on my blog

10:06 AM
Prakash: hehehe
it's not a secret
hey, i will get back to work

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